Elks Credit Union

Announcing New Mortgage Rates and Loan Requirements

12 April 2023
Author: Elks Credit Union


The Elks Cooperative Credit Union is excited to announce updates to its mortgage rates! 

We understand that having a home gives you and your family a sense of stability and security. Whether you wish to acquire land, switch your existing mortgage, or build your home, a mortgage is a major financial decision. At Elks Credit Union, we seek to make home or land ownership more affordable. 

Members can now take advantage of our two new mortgage interest rates of 4.5% or 5.99%.

The 4.5% interest rate requires a 5% deposit with a repayment term of up to 30 years. Legal fees can also be included as part of your mortgage. 

The 5.99% interest requires no deposit with members enjoying 100% financing inclusive of legal fees, and a repayment term of up to 30 years.

To determine whether you qualify for these new rates contact or visit the credit union to speak with a Loans Officer today. 

Terms and conditions apply.

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